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Here you can find all the news / announcements posted by the Association. You can use the search bar to quickly find posts of interest, or you can manually search by topics.

Yard Sale: Saturday 4/6

Our semiannual Community Yard Sale / Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 6th, 2024, beginning at 9:00 AM. All residents are welcome to participate! Please let us know if you…

New Rule on Yard Storage

In accordance with Article XIV Section 1 of our covenants, conditions, and restrictions, the Association has established a rule prohibiting the overnight storage of any appliances, tools, materials, or supplies…

Share Your Beech Creek Traffic Concerns

Background The Association plans to request a traffic calming study from Harford County, in accordance with their Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. To better inform this request and follow-on discussions between…

Christmas Tree Collection 01-13-2024

Bartenfelder Sanitation will be performing the Christmas tree collection the morning of Saturday, January 13th.  The crew will be arriving in the early morning hours on Saturday, January 13th. Please place…

Parking & Other Vehicle Reminders

To keep our neighborhood a safe and respectful place to live, residents should follow the below rules, laws, and recommendations. Thank you. Towing Company Contact Information Carrier’s Inc.1233 S. Philadelphia…

New Arch. Mod Request Form

To streamline the architectural modification process for members, property management, and the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), the Association now provides an online form that guides members through providing the required…