08-08-2023 Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the open meeting on August 8th, 2023 were approved at the November open meeting. You can find the minutes below or in the documents section.
Pool Closure 8-7-2023
Due to the potential for severe weather this evening, including the possibility of thunderstorms, 70 mph winds, hail, and isolated tornados, American Pool has closed the pool facility at 4:30pm […]
08-08-2023 Open Meeting
An open meeting of the board of directors for The Trails at Beech Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. will be held virtually, via Webex, on August 8th, 2023, at 7:00 PM. The […]
07-11-2023 Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the open meeting on July 11th, 2023 were approved at the August open meeting. You can find minutes below or in the documents section.
07-11-2023 Open Meeting
An open meeting of the board of directors for The Trails at Beech Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. will be held virtually, via Webex, on July 11th, 2023, at 7:00 PM. The […]
Fireworks reminders
This is a friendly reminder that State and County laws prohibit nearly all fireworks. Residents have expressed concerns to management in regard to fire safety, dry weather, and pet reactions. […]
Trash Delayed to 7/6
Due to the July 4th holiday, Bartenfelder Sanitation will be performing our trash collection services on Thursday, July 6th.
06-13-2023 Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the open meeting on June 13th, 2023 were approved at the July open meeting. You can find the minutes below or in the documents section.
06-13-2023 Open Meeting
An open meeting of the board of directors for The Trails at Beech Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. will be held virtually, via Webex, on June 13th, 2023, at 7:00 PM. The […]
Pool Closed 6/8/23
Harford County is currently under an Air Quality Alert that is in effect until at least 12:00 AM June 9, 2023. The Maryland Department of the Environment has issued a […]