To: All Owners and Residents
RE: Community Trunk or Treat Event
Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021
Time: 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Where: Clubhouse Parking Lot
The Trails at Beech Creek HOA Trunk or Treat Event is scheduled for Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. This event offers a safe option for children during Halloween weekend. All residents are welcome to participate. Please join us for music and fun. A local DJ has volunteered their services.
Set up for this event will begin at 12:00pm. The Trunk or Treat activities will be held from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Clean up will take place right after. Safety measures will be in place and implemented before, during, and after the event.
All participants will be responsible for their own set up and clean up. All participants will be unpaid volunteers. Please note that this is a rain or shine event. There will be no rain date.
Please click on the appropriate link below to register to participate, RSVP as attendees (Trunk or Treaters), or to volunteer at the event.
Link for Participant Vehicle Registration:
Link to RSVP as attendees (Trunk or Treaters):
Link for Volunteer Registration:
Please note the following:
- Adult supervision is required for this event.
- Children that plan to trunk or treat and receive candy should wear a costume.
- Candy donations are appreciated and may be dropped off inside the community clubhouse Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:30am to 4:30pm.
- This event does not replace door-to-door Trick or Treating. This is a separate event.
We look forward to seeing you there!