Miscellaneous Reminders

Parking Issues: Blocking the sidewalk with a vehicle is illegal and causes safety issues in the community. Please call police to report cars parking on or blocking the sidewalks. Be courteous to your neighbors: do not park in front of other homes and leave space for the homeowner to park.

Speeding: Please slow down! Use caution when driving through the community.

Trash Storage: Trash and recycle bins must be stored in the rear of the home or in the garage on non-trash days. Please place trash curbside Tuesday night to avoid missing Wednesday pick up. Please do not block sidewalk with cans. Please do not place trash out in bags, animals tend to rip into bags, and trash spreads through the street.

Pets: Pets must be on a leash at all times. Please clean up after your pet. Please be sure any company that uses chemicals on your lawn places a flag marking pesticides have been used. 

Homeowner Yards: Please be respectful of all properties. Do not use private lots to enter or exit the trails. Please be respectful of all homeowners’ properties.